
Demo for PC/Windows is up!

Published on 11 January, 2013, by in Uncategorized.

Just click Demos on the menu up here, and you’ll get right there! =)

7 Responses

  1. ShellBeach

    Hey Guys! I think there is some problem on the “Demos” page, because I couldn’t get the link to download.

    • Andreas

      Hey. Thanks for letting me know, i’ll try to get it fixed as soon as possible!

      • ShellBeach

        Thank you, I’d really appreciate it! How is Steam’s Greenlight going? Will be released soon?

        • Andreas

          Hey, the page is up and running again.
          As far as steam greenlight goes, i’m 55% of the way to top 100, so i don’t think it’s going to happen. However, you can still buy the game on Desura, and soon on GamersGate and GreenmanGaming as well.

  2. ShellBeach

    Hey! I’ve loved the demo, I’D like to buy the game. I found the best price here:
    Will be anything different if I buy from them or should I stick with Desura? How does the update system work?