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24 Responses

  1. Logan Pulley

    Why isnt smooth operations 1920X1080?

  2. Jared

    I seem to be the only one having trouble, but I can’t seem to get the game to run on my computer. I ran the system check before I bought it and I really see no reason for to not work even though I have a laptop. My computer is an Asus k501 it has a dual core Intel Pentium T4400 / 2.2 GHz and Intel GMA 4500M graphics card. The message I’m getting says: No suitable graphics card found: could not find Direct 3D device that supports the XNA framework HiDef profile. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I really want to play :)

    • Andreas

      Hi Jared,
      I’m sorry, but it seems like your graphics card is a bit too old and doesn’t support HiDef Profile, and it need to in order to play this game.
      Do you have another computer?
      Or, you can ask for a refund on Desura.
      Sorry mate.

      • Jared

        well damn, I’m a student and this is really my only computer.I’ll unfortunately have to get the refund. sorry guys

  3. Joey

    this might not be a relevant subject but when i found this game i loved it but when i looked i found it was only for pc and was very sad not for mac, so could you please make a mac version?

  4. Hey, just posted this in the desura forum – http://www.desura.com/games/smooth-operators-call-center-chaos/forum/thread/wikivideo-tutorials

    It discusses the want for a wiki page and/or some video tutorials for the finer points of this game.


  5. Sam

    hey just wondering if anyone else is having a problem with the game only running in 1024×768 resolution?

  6. Sam

    windowed, but doesn’t fit on my screen properly. dont want to try it in fullscreen incase it crashes again

  7. ChoosenEye

    Hello How i can get Call Center Chaos in german ?

    MFG ChoosenEye

  8. Stifl

    Hey. Why Can I not pay this game with paysafe?! Sry for the bad English…